Discover The Nature
International Fests, Scientific Conferences, Exhibitions
Nurturing and Enriching our Planet
Ä°nternational Subtropical and Citrus Conference
December 8-9, 2022
Lankaran State University, Azerbaijan
Online and in person participation
Prof. Dr. Natig IBRAHIMOV- Rector of Lankaran State University
Prof. Dr. Mikail MAHARRAMOV
Assoc. Prof. Elvin ALÄ°YEV - Lankaran State University
Assoc.Prof. Elvin ALIYEV – Lankaran State University
Dr. Alvan JAFAROV – Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University
Ph.D. Allahshukur GULIYEV – Lankaran State University
Ph.D. Ulker BABAYEVA – Lankaran State University
Samir SALAYEV – Lankaran State University
Enver SHAHGUBADBEYLI – Lankaran State University
Prof. Dr. Mikayil MAHARRAMOV – Lankaran State University
Assoc.Prof. Balayar SHAHBAZOV – Lankaran State University
Assoc.Prof. Melahet AGAYEVA – Lankaran State University
Assoc.Prof. Rashad ALIYEV – Lankaran State University
Dr. Ä°ltifat KERÄ°MOV – Lankaran State University
Dr. Muhendis CHANGIROV – Lankaran State University
Dr. Betul APAYDIN ​​YILDIRIM – Ataturk University
Dr. Mehmet EROGHLU – Firat University
Dr. Misliviy VLADEMÄ°R – Technical University of Ukraine
Assoc. prof. Seyithan SEYDOSHOHLU – Siirt University.
Assoc. prof. Nazile ABDULLAZADE, – Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University
Dr. Nesrin KARAJA – Bursa Uludag University
Dr. Nurmukhamed KENZHEGULOV – Egyptian University of Islamic Culture Nur-Mubarak
Dr. Sarash KONYRBAEVA – Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University
Dr. Zhaparkwlova N. IKSANOVA – Al Farabi State National University
Dr. Aygun MEHERREMOVA – Baku State University
Assoc. Prof. Gulshen MEHERREMOVA – Azerbaijan University of Languages
Dr. Elżbieta PATKOWSKA – University of Life Sciences
Dr. Ghanshyam BARMAN – Uka Tarsadia University
Dr. Naseem AKHTER – Martyr Benazir Bhutto Women's University
Dr. Mohamed MILOUDI – Mohamed MEFTAHI School​
Dr. Nizamulmulk GUNESH – SDIF
The main objective of the Congress is to gain a better insight into the present resource situation and utilization status of citrus of the region and world, their potential and the problems and issues to be addressed for their sustainable development, to identify and propose priorities for action at various levels to support such sustainable development.
The main findings of the congress will be published in Proceedings Book.
The congress is designed to allow maximum interaction among participants to facilitate the exchange of experiences from their respective countries.
Food, agriculture, culture, literature, economy, marketing, food technology, ethnobotany, botany, chemistry, pharmacology, biological activity, standardisation, adulteration, technology, pharmacy, medicine, cosmetics, food use, flavourings and fragrances; to trade and commerce regulatory activities
Biological resources, sustainable use, conservation, phytomedicines
Ethnobotany, pharmocognosy, pharmacology, toxicology, biotechnology
Agricultural production, post-harvest techniques, industrial processing
Standards and regulations, quality control, supply and marketing, economics
Abstract Submission Deadline - November 23, 2022
Program Announcement day - December 1, 2022
Congress Dates- December 8-9, 2022
Deadline for submission of the full texts - December 10, 2022
Publication of Proceedings Book- December 20, 2022
20 USD
(50 manats for Azerbaijani participants)
NOTE: All employees of Lankaran State University, PhD, master's and undergraduate students can attend the congress free of charge.
Conference Services
- Online or in person participation
- Certificates
- Abstract's publishing in conference book (ISBN)
- Full texts' publishing in conference book (ISBN) or
- Full texts' publishing as book chapter (ISBN) or
- Full texts' publishing as article in international journals (DOI)
You must apply to our congress by sending an abstract. Your abstracts must be in the 300-500 word range. Full text should be at least 5 pages and APA style source format should be used. You must send your abstract in word / doc format to contact@iksad.co.uk until November 23, 2022
It is mandatory to include ORCID NO, mobile phone number, and an English abstract into your abstract.
For Full Text Example PLEASE CLICK
Abstract/ Full Text Guidelines
- Times New Roman, 12 pt. (Article title, names of authors, institutions, e-mail addresses, abstract and all keywords should be in 12 pt. For parts such as graphics, tables, the author's font size can be determined by the author in the most appropriate way)
- Give the line spacing 1.25
- Do not indent at the beginning of the paragraph from the left.
- MAIN titles should be written in CAPITAL letters and bold
- Your full texts must be at least 5 pages.
- SUMMARY, INTRODUCTION, RESEARCH AND FINDINGS, CONCLUSION and REFERENCES sections should be shown under separate headings in your full texts.
You can write and send your questions and suggestions about the congress to the e-mail address and tel number.
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Tel/Vatsapp: +994 77 331 98 24