Discover The Nature
International Fests, Scientific Conferences, Exhibitions
Nurturing and Enriching our Planet

International Multidisciplinary Environment and Hemp Congress

20-22 / MAY / 2024 / ANKARA
Online and Face to face participation
Call For Papers
The main objective of the Congress is to gain a better insight into the present resource situation and utilization status of hemp of the region and world, their potential and the problems and issues to be addressed for their sustainable development, to identify and propose priorities for action at various levels to support such sustainable development.
The main findings of the congress will be published in Proceedings Book.
The congress is designed to allow maximum interaction among participants to facilitate the exchange of experiences from their respective countries.
Abstract Submission Deadline: May 08, 2024
Registration: May 05-10, 2024
Program Announcement: May 12, 2024
Deadline for submission of the texts: May 30, 2024
Publication of Proceedings Book: June 25, 2024
English & Turkish
- In person presentation in OSTÄ°M Technical University
- Online presentation via ZOOM
OSTÄ°M Technical University, Ankara
Your full texts and abstract texts will be published in the Congress Book with ISBN on March 20, 2024
1- Submit your abstract via email to contact@iksad.co.uk by May 8, 2024​​ as MS Word (not PDF)
2- If your abstract is accepted by referees, we send you an acceptance letter by email within 3 days (after your application)
3- Full text submission is not mandatory. If you want to send full text, you need to submit it by May 30, 2024 by email to contact@iksad.co.uk
Abstract/ Full Text Guidelines
- Times New Roman, 12 pt. (Article title, names of authors, institutions, e-mail addresses, abstract and all keywords should be in 12 pt. For parts such as graphics, tables, the author's font size can be determined by the author in the most appropriate way)
- Give the line spacing 1.25
- Do not indent at the beginning of the paragraph from the left.
- MAIN titles should be written in CAPITAL letters and bold
-Your abstract texts must be at 200-300 words
- Your full texts must be at least 5 pages
- SUMMARY, INTRODUCTION, RESEARCH AND FINDINGS, CONCLUSION and REFERENCES sections should be shown under separate headings in your full texts.
Send your questions and suggestions about the congress to the email address contact@iksad.co.uk
Rector of OSTÄ°M Technical University
Department of Chemistry, Science and Letters Faculty , GaziosmanpaÅŸa University, Tokat
Department of Agricultural Trade and Management, Yeditepe Universty, Ä°stanbul
Professor Ufuk KOCA ÇALIÅžKAN, PhD
Pharmacy Vocational Sciences, Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Gazi University, Ankara
Associate Professor UÄŸur TUTAR, PhD
Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Basic Pharmaceutical Sciences Pharmaceutical Botany, Sivas Cumhuriyet University, Sivas
Professor Sinan Kıvrak, PhD - Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ostim University, Ankara
Professor Yücel Güney, PhD - Open Education Faculty, Department of Construction, Anadolu University, EskiÅŸehir
Professor Muhammed Nauman Aftab, PhD - Institute of Industrial Biotechnology, Government College University, Pakistan
Professor Muhammet Uzun, PhD - Textile Engineering Department, Faculty of Technology, Ä°stanbul Marmara University, Ä°stanbul
Associate Professor Ahmet Güngör Pakfiliz, PhD - Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ostim University, Ankara
Assistant Professor Prannoy Suraneni, PhD - Miami Engineering Career Development Civil and Architectural Engineering, University of Miami, USA
Lecturer Bahattin Gökhan Topal - TTO Manager, Vocational School E-Commerce and Marketing Program, Ostim University, Ankara
Ä°brahim POLAT; Business Person, Polat Group Holding - POLAT Group Holding, which is a leader in the fields of Machinery, Reducer and Arboriculture in Turkey, also operates in the fields of agriculture and olive oil. “Polat Supercritical CO2 Extraction Systems”, manufactured for the first time by Polat Group, to perform high efficiency and high purity extraction, especially in the Food, Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic sectors, including Hemp. Polat Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Extraction Systems enable the control of CO2 solubility and provide a wide range of uses in separation and purification processes. https://www.polatgroup.com.tr/
UÄŸur BALKUV - Business Person, KENEVÄ°RO, Chairman of the Board of Directors https://keneviro.com.tr/tr/hakkimizda
Orkun BALKUV - Business Person, KenevirO, CoFounder & President of the Board. Pioneer of Industrial Hemp Farming and Processing in Turkey. KenevirO owns the rights of ‘Narli’ one of two certified local Industrial Hemp varieties in Turkey. 520 HA of Contract Farming in 2023, looking to farm more than 1500HA in 2024. Processes Hemp to produce Raw Materials for sectors such as Textile, Construction, Cosmetics, Insulation, furniture, medicine etc.
Ahmet NEDANLI; Business Person - SOLOMCAN is one of Turkey's leading organic fertilizer producers. The aim of this organization is to rehabilitate lands and produce safe food. It also has technology-based, climate-controlled and soil-based greenhouses. It is an organization that has started to implement high-level projects in the private sector for the purpose of obtaining cannabinoids from Hemp and conducting research on human health. https://www.solomcan.com/
Levent KAHRÄ°MAN; Business Person - Laber Chemistry. LABER Chemistry is a cosmetics company that takes its color and company goal from the green of nature and sees making green, natural, organic and innovative products obtained from the laboratory as its basic philosophy. https://www.laberkimya.com/laber-kimya--laber-organik--organik-kozmetik-%c3%bcretimi.html
Gökhan Aydın; MEDDÄ°CANNA - https://medicanna-amsterdam.nl/
Abdurrahman DÄ°LÄ°PAK; Hemp Platform Spokesperson
Cumali ÜNALDI; Bureaucrat
Professor Adem DoÄŸangün, PhD - Engineering Faculty, Civil Engineering Department, UludaÄŸ University
Professor Ahmet Onay, PhD - Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Dicle University, Diyarbakır
Professor Bahittin Kahveci, PhD - Health Sciences University, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon
Professor Baybars Ali Fil, PhD - Department of Environmental Engineering, Balıkesir University, Balıkesir
Professor Birol Kılkış, PhD - Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ostim University, Ankara -
Professor Ergin Öztürk, PhD - Animal Nutrition / Feed Technology / Animal Biotechnology, Animal Science, Ondokuz Mayıs University, Samsun
Professor Ergün Yıldız, PhD - Department of Environmental Engineering, Atatürk University, Erzurum
Professor Ertuğrul Erdoğmuş, PhD - Water and Wastewater Treatment, Water Resources Management, Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Design, Bartın University, Bartın -
Professor Fatih Åžen, PhD - Sen Research Group, Department of Biochemistry, Dumlupınar University, Kütahya
Professor Fehiman Çiner, PhD - Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, NiÄŸde Ömer Halis Demir University, NiÄŸde
Professor Franjo Grotenhermen, PhD - Nova-Institut, Goldenbergstraße 2, 50354 Hürth, Germany
Professor Hakan Parlakpınar, PhD - Department of Medical Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Inonu University, Malatya
Professor Hakan Yıldırım, PhD - Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Horticulture, Malatya Turgut Özal University, Malatya
Professor Handan Ucun Özel, PhD - Water and Wastewater Treatment, Water Resources Management, Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Design, Bartın University, Bartın
Professor İbrahim Demirtaş, PhD - Faculty of Pharmacy, Ondokuz Mayıs University, Samsun
Professor Ä°sa Telci, PhD - Department of Field Crops, Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Applied Sciences, Isparta
Professor Kirsten Müller-Vahl, PhD - International Alliance of Cannabinoid Medicines, Department of Psychiatry, Social Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at the Hannover Medical School (MHH), Germany
Professor Mahfuz ElmastaÅŸ, PhD - Faculty of Hamidiye Pharmacy, Department of Biochemistry, University of Health Sciences, Istanbul
Professor Mahmut DurmuÅŸ, PhD - Faculty of Medicine, Department of Algology, Medeniyet University, Istanbul
Professor Manuel Guzmán Pastor, PhD - Principal Investigator, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
Professor Mehmet Emin Çalışkan, PhD - Department of Crop Production, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Technologies, NiÄŸde ÖmerHalis Demir University, NiÄŸde
Professor Mehmet Serhat ODABAŞ, PhD - Faculty of Agriculture, Ondokuz Mayıs University, Samsun
Professor Muhammet Uzun, PhD - Textile Engineering Department, Faculty of Technology, Ä°stanbul Marmara University, Ä°stanbul
Professor Müberra Andaç, PhD - Faculty of Science, Ondokuz Mayıs University, Samsun
Professor Mükerrem Åžahin, PhD - Faculty of Pharmacy, Basic Pharmaceutical Sciences, Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Ankara
Professor Neslihan DoÄŸan SaÄŸlamtimur, PhD - Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, NiÄŸde Ömer Halis Demir University, NiÄŸde
Professor Nihat Dilsiz, PhD - Faculty of Hamidiye Pharmacy, Institute of Health Sciences, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, University of Health Sciences, Istanbul
Professor Noureddine Gherraf, PhD - Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, University of Mentouri-Constantine, Algeria
Professor Ömer Andaç, PhD - Faculty of Science, Ondokuz Mayıs University, Samsun
Professor Özden Öztürk, PhD - Department of Field Crops, Faculty of Agriculture, Selçuk University, Konya
Professor Rahmatullah Qureshi, PhD - Chairman, Department of Botany, Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Professor Ramazan Erenler, PhD - Faculty of Health Sciences, Iğdır University, Iğdır
Professor Salah Akkal, PhD - Laboratoire de Phytochimie et Analyses Physico-chimiques et Biologiques Université Mentouri de Constantine Route de Aïn El Bey 25000 Constantine Algérie
Professor Simone Graeff-Hönninger, PhD - Universität Hohenheim apl. AG Anbausysteme und Modellierung (340 AG) Fruwirthstr. 23 70599 Stuttgart
Professor Sven Gottschling; PhD - Center for cross-age palliative medicine and pediatric pain therapy, Saarland University, Germany
Professor Teodor RUSU, PhD - Agrotechnics, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca: Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, RO
Professor Ufuk Demirel, PhD - Department of Crop Production, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Technologies, NiÄŸde Ömer Halis Demir University, NiÄŸde
Professor Ünal Kılıç, PhD - Animal Nutrition / Feed Technology, Animal Science, Ondokuz Mayıs University, Samsun​
Associate Professor Ahmet Kınay, PhD - Department of Field Crops, Faculty of Agriculture, Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa University
Associate Professor Esra Eroglu Ozkan, PhD - Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Istanbul University, Ä°stanbul
Associate Professor Fatma Torun, PhD - Department of Environmental Engineering, Atatürk University, Erzurum
Associate Professor Gülçin GüreÅŸçi, PhD - Economics and Administrative Sciences, Economics Department, Dokuz Eylul University, Ä°zmir
Associate Professor Kaan Işınkaralar, PhD - Department of Environmental Engineering, Kastamonu University, Kastamonu
Associate Professor Kamil Atacan, PhD - Engineering Faculty, Civil Engineering Department, Osmangazi University, EskiÅŸehir
Associate Professor Nejdet DeÄŸermenci, PhD - Department of Environmental Engineering, Kastamonu University, Kastamonu
Associate Professor Remzi Ekici, PhD - Field Crops Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Dicle University, Diyarbakır
Associate Professor Selma Onarıcı, PhD - TUBITAK Marmara Research Center, Life Sciences, TUBITAK, Gebze, Kocaeli
Associate Professor Serkan Bayar, PhD - Department of Environmental Engineering, Atatürk University, Erzurum
Associate Professor Sinan Kul, PhD - Department of Emergency Aid and Disaster Management, Bayburt University, Bayburt
Assistant Professor Attia Hamid; PhD - Institute of Industrial Biotechnology, Government College University, Pakistan
Assistant Professor Eren Balaban, PhD - Engineering Faculty, Civil Engineering Department, EskiÅŸehir Technical University, EskiÅŸehir
Assistant Professor Ä°brahim Cengiz, PhD - Department of Emergency Aid and Disaster Management, Bayburt University, Bayburt
Assistant Professor Mehmet Ä°nanç Onur, PhD - Engineering Faculty, Civil Engineering Department, EskiÅŸehir Technical University, EskiÅŸehir
Assistant Professor Mustafa A. Alheety, PhD - Nano Inorganic Chemistry, Al-Hadi University College, Baghdad, Iraq
Assistant Professor Prannoy Suraneni, PhD - Miami Engineering Career Development Civil and Architectural Engineering, University of Miami
ÇiÄŸdem Serdengeçti, PhD - Vocational School, Biomedical Device Technology Program, Ostim University, Ankara
Derya Özdemir, PhD - Board member of the Development of Environment, People, Health and Education Association, Ä°zmir
DoÄŸuÅŸ Yüksel, PhD - Vocational School, E-Commerce and Marketing Program, Ostim University, Ankara
Egehan Özkan AlkaÅŸ, PhD - Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Management Information Systems, Ostim University, Ankara
Ethan Budd Russo, MD - CReDO Science, Psychopharmacology researcher, Vashon, Washington, USA
Pelin Tören Özgün, PhD - Faculty of Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Ostim University, Ankara
Lecturer AyÅŸe Atabey - Meslek Yüksekokulu, Lojistik Programı, Ostim Üniversitesi, Ankara